Gather ’round the table, it’s time for a side dish of laughter! In this delightful article, we bring you a heaping serving of 200 Thanksgiving jokes to add a sprinkle of humor to your holiday feast. From clever puns about turkeys to hilarious anecdotes about family gatherings, these jokes are sure to have everyone at your Thanksgiving celebration in stitches. So, loosen your belt, grab a slice of pie, and get ready for a bellyful of laughter this Thanksgiving!

Pilgrim Thanksgiving Jokes
- Why did the pilgrim’s pants always fall down? Because they wore their belt buckle on their hat!
- What’s a Pilgrim’s favorite music genre? Plymouth Rock!
- What did the turkey say to the Pilgrim? “Quirky turkey, aren’t I?”
- Why did the Pilgrim bring a rope to dinner? He heard he needed to get a tight hold on the turkey!
- What’s a Pilgrim’s favorite type of math? Pumpkin Pi!
- Why did the Pilgrim eat a candle? He wanted a light snack!
- Why didn’t the Pilgrim want to make the bread? It’s a kneadless task!
- How did the Pilgrim fix his jeans? With a pumpkin patch!
- Why did the Pilgrim bring his trumpet to Thanksgiving? He heard it was going to be a blowout!
- What would you get if you crossed a Pilgrim with a type of cracker? A Pil-graham!
- Why was the Pilgrim a good musician? Because he had the chops!
- Why did the Pilgrim bring scissors to Thanksgiving? He heard it was time for the cut of the pie!
- Why don’t Pilgrims tell secrets in the cornfield? Too many ears!
- What’s a Pilgrim’s favorite salad? Mayflower salad!
- What was the Pilgrim’s dog’s name? Plymouth Bark!
- Why was the Pilgrim always sleepy on Thanksgiving? He couldn’t stop gobbling!
- Why did the Pilgrim refuse to season the Thanksgiving turkey? He didn’t have the thyme!
- Why did the Pilgrim bring an extra pair of pants to Thanksgiving? In case he got a little stuffed!
- How do Pilgrims keep their pants up at Thanksgiving? With a turkey belt!
- Why was the Pilgrim voted most likely to succeed? Because everything he touched turned into Thanksgiving dinner!
- Why did the Pilgrim get kicked out of the Thanksgiving dinner? For buttering up the hostess!
- Why did the Pilgrim bring a map to the dinner table? He was looking for Turkey!
- What’s a Pilgrim’s favorite type of cheese? Gobble-gonezola!
- Why did the Pilgrim wear a hat to dinner? He didn’t want to let out his cooking secrets!
- What did the Pilgrim say to the rebellious turkey? “You’re grounded!”

- What’s a Pilgrim’s favorite side dish? Plymouth Squash!
- What do Pilgrims call their friends? Their “Pil-grins!”
- Why was the Pilgrim’s cooking show cancelled? His recipes were just too corny!
- How do Pilgrims describe a successful Thanksgiving? Cornucopious!
- Why did the Pilgrim bring a camera to Thanksgiving dinner? He heard it was a feast for the eyes!
- What’s a Pilgrim’s favorite exercise? Pumpkin squats!
- Why did the Pilgrim become a farmer? He was outstanding in his field!
- Why don’t Pilgrims tell jokes while cooking Thanksgiving dinner? It might crack the corn!
- What’s a Pilgrim’s favorite dance move? The mashed potato!
- Why did the Pilgrim get promoted? He brought a lot to the table!
- What do Pilgrims use to bake a Thanksgiving pie? May-flour!
- What’s a Pilgrim’s favorite game at Thanksgiving? Turkey tag!
- Why was the Pilgrim such a good writer? Because his words were always so “maize-ing”!
- Why did the Pilgrim bring a ladder to Thanksgiving? To reach the high expectations!
- Why did the Pilgrim become a comedian? He always “killed” at Thanksgiving dinner!
Turkey Thanksgiving Jokes

- Why did the turkey cross the road? To prove he wasn’t a chicken!
- Why don’t turkeys ever get invited to dinner parties? Because they always gobble up the food!
- What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert? Peach gobbler!
- What do you call a turkey the day after Thanksgiving? Lucky!
- Why did the turkey join a band? Because he had the drumsticks!
- What kind of key can’t open doors? A tur-key!
- What do turkeys like to do on sunny days? Have peck-nics!
- Why did the turkey refuse dessert? He was already stuffed!
- Why did the police arrest the turkey? They suspected it of fowl play!
- What’s a turkey’s favorite dance? The turkey trot!
- What would you get if you crossed a turkey with a ghost? A poultry-geist!
- Why did the cranberries turn red? Because they saw the turkey dressing!
- Why don’t turkeys fly? They can’t afford plane tickets!
- What sound does a turkey’s phone make? Wing! Wing!
- How do you keep a turkey in suspense? I’ll let you know next Thanksgiving!
- What did the turkey say to the turkey hunter? “Qu-qu-quit it!”
- Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk? To try and hatchet!
- What’s more amazing than a talking turkey? A spelling bee!
- Why did the turkey eat his meal so quickly? Because he’s a gobbler!
- How does a turkey drink her wine? In a gobble-let!
- Why did the turkey go to school? To get a little “gobble-ation!”
- What’s the turkey’s favorite Thanksgiving dish? Nothing – it’s already stuffed!
- What did the mama turkey say to her naughty son? If your father could see you now, he’d turn over in his gravy!
- Why did the turkey refuse to fight the chicken? He feared the mere peck-ability!
- What do you call a turkey that’s got rhythm? A drumstick!
- Why did the turkey cross the playground? To get to the other slide!
- Why did the turkey break up with the chicken? Because he was accused of foul play!
- How do turkeys send secret messages? By using gobble-code!
- Why do turkeys always agree? They don’t want to start a squabble!
- What’s a turkey’s favorite type of math? Gobble-ometry!
- What did the turkey say to the computer? “Google, google, google!”
- What did the turkey say before it was roasted? “Boy, I’m stuffed!”
- What’s a turkey’s favorite day of the week? Fry-day!
- What do you call a turkey on Thanksgiving? Stuffed!
- Why did the turkey bring a suitcase to Thanksgiving? He was ready to fly the coop!
- Why don’t turkeys ever win races? They always waddle too much!
- What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving? The turkey twerk!
- Why do turkeys make terrible secretaries? They can’t stop gobbling their words!
- How does a turkey sing? Gobble-tones!
- What do you call a turkey the day before Thanksgiving? Nervous!
Thanksgiving Food Jokes
- Why did the cranberries turn red? Because they saw the salad dressing!
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite sport? Squash!
- What do you call a small pumpkin who is bad at football? A little punkin!
- What’s the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie? Your teeth!
- Why did the corn go to the party? Because it was a-MAIZE-ing!
- Why was the tomato blushing? Because it saw the salad dressing!
- How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch!
- What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert? Apple gobbler!
- Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive? It had 24 carrots!
- What’s the best dance to do on Thanksgiving? The mashed potato!
- Why did the roll go to the doctor? Because it felt crumby!
- Why was the yam blushing? Because it saw the marshmallow melt!
- What do you call a running turkey? Fast food!
- Why do you put your turkey in the oven? Because it’s stuffed!
- What kind of vegetable is angry? A steamed carrot!
- What do you call an apple that plays the trumpet? A tooty fruity!
- Why did the pumpkin pie go to a psychiatrist? Because it had a lot of filling!
- What sound does a space turkey make? Hubble, hubble, hubble!
- Why did the potato go to the party? Because it was a-peeling!
- Why are Pilgrims pants always falling down? Because their belt buckles are on their hats!
- How can you unlock a door with a turkey? Use the turkey key!
- What do you get if you cross a turkey with a ghost? A poultrygeist!
- What’s the best thing to make after Thanksgiving? A run for it!
- Why was the stuffing proud? Because it was stuffed!
- What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin pi!
- What do you call a sweet potato staring intently at you? Yam-azing!
- What’s a corn’s favorite music? Pop!
- Why did the cook get arrested on Thanksgiving? He got caught beating the eggs!
- What do you call a turkey after Thanksgiving? Lucky!
- What did the green beans say to the mushroom? Stop stalking me!
- Why did the cranberry sauce cross the road? To get to the other side dish!
- How do you make a sweet potato puff? Chase it around the garden!
- Why don’t turkeys enjoy Thanksgiving? They’re stuffed!
- How does Christmas dinner differ from Thanksgiving dinner? By about a month!
- Why did the lettuce turn red at the Thanksgiving table? It saw the salad dressing!
- Why did the tomato go out with a prune? Because it couldn’t find a date!
- What do you call a dangerous pea? A grizzly pea!
- How do you make a turkey float? Two scoops of ice cream, some root beer, and a turkey!
- What’s the best way to stuff a turkey? Serve him lots of pizza and ice cream!
- What’s a turkey’s favorite dessert? Peach gobbler!
Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids
- Why didn’t the turkey eat dessert? He was already stuffed!
- What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin Pi!
- Why did the turkey join the band? Because it had the drumsticks!
- Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
- Why was the cranberry red? It saw the turkey dressing!
- What do you call a turkey on Thanksgiving? Stuffed!
- Why did the pilgrim’s pants fall down? His belt buckle was on his hat!
- What is a turkey’s favorite dessert? Peach gobbler!
- What do you get when you cross a turkey with a banjo? A turkey that can pluck itself!
- What’s the key to a great Thanksgiving dinner? The tur-key!
- What do you call a turkey the day after Thanksgiving? Lucky!
- Why did the Thanksgiving pie go to a psychiatrist? It had too many fillings!
- What sound does a turkey’s phone make? Wing! Wing!
- What do turkeys like to do on sunny days? Have peck-nics!
- Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
- What do you call a small turkey? A gobble-let!
- Why did the scarecrow become a successful politician? He was all ears!
- What do you call a running turkey? Fast food!
- Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because it felt crummy!
- Why do turkeys gobble? Because they never learned table manners!
- What’s a turkey’s favorite dance? The turkey trot!
- What did the turkey say to the hunter? “Quack, quack!”
- Why was the Thanksgiving book so good? It had all the stuffing!
- What’s a turkey’s favorite type of math? Gobble-ometry!
- What do you call a turkey on the day before Thanksgiving? Nervous!
- Why did the turkey sit on the tomahawk? To hatchet a plan!
- What do you get when you cross a turkey with an octopus? Enough drumsticks for everyone!
- Why don’t turkeys fly? They can’t afford plane tickets!
- What do you call a stuffed animal on Thanksgiving? A plush turkey!
- Why was the vegetable band so amazing? Because it had great beets!
- Why are turkeys so proud? They gobble and gobble and it never gobbles them up!
- Why did the sweet potato turn red? It saw the turkey dressing!
- Why was the Thanksgiving soup so pricey? It had 24 carrots!
- What do you call a turkey after Thanksgiving? The leftovers!
- What do pilgrims and cranberries have in common? They both bob and float in water!
- What’s a scarecrow’s favorite fruit? Straw-berries!
- Why did the mashed potatoes argue with the gravy? Because it said the gravy was too thick!
- What is a pumpkin’s favorite sport? Squash!
- What do you call a cat on Thanksgiving? A purr-key!
- Why was the math book sad on Thanksgiving? It had too many problems to digest!
Thanksgiving Puns
- I’m stuffed like a turkey.
- I yam what I yam!
- We cran do it!
- I’m all about that baste!
- You’re the apple of my pie.
- You want a piece of me? (Pie)
- Stop goblin up all the food!
- This dinner is soup-erb!
- You’re gravy to my mashed potatoes.
- I’m feeling gravy!
- You’re a-maize-ing!
- Time to squash the rumors.
- I’m so corny, I cob hardly stand it!
- I can’t believe I ate the whole stuffing!
- Let’s give ’em pumpkin to talk about!
- This food is un-bean-lievable.
- I’ve bean thinking about you.
- Peas out!
- You butter believe it’s Thanksgiving!
- I’m not just any dinner roll, I’m on a roll!
- Quit your squashing!
- Gobble till you wobble!
- This is plucking crazy!
- Lettuce celebrate!
- I’m all about that cranberry sauce, boss!
- You’re the pecan of my eye.
- I carol-ot about you.
- Peas pass the peas!
- This stuffing is off the cob!
- Do the mashed potato!
- I’m cran-berry excited for dessert!
- Romaine calm, Thanksgiving is here!
- Olive to eat Thanksgiving dinner!
- Don’t play chicken, have some turkey!
- This dinner is a-maize-ing!
- I’m on a roll, pass the butter!
- Feast your eyes on this spread!
- Thanksgiving: it’s all gravy, baby!
- Let’s have a gourd time!
- Have a berry happy Thanksgiving!
As the last slice of pumpkin pie is savored and the leftovers find their place in the fridge, we hope these 200 Thanksgiving jokes filled your holiday with laughter and joy. May the memories of shared giggles and chuckles linger in your hearts, reminding you of this special time of gratitude and togetherness. Keep the spirit of Thanksgiving alive throughout the year, and remember to find reasons to laugh and give thanks each day. Happy Thanksgiving!