100 Cheesy Puns That Are Gouda Enough to Crack You Up

Welcome to a world full of delicious humor and whey too many puns. Our collection of cheese puns is the perfect blend of creamy wit and sharp comedy, a smorgasbord of hilarity that’ll make any day grate. Let’s curdle up and dive right into this cheesy goodness!

  1. What cheese is made backward? Edam!
  2. What type of cheese do you use to disguise a horse? Mascarpone.
  3. Why did the mozzarella go to therapy? It had too much on its brie.
  4. What’s a cheese’s favorite kind of music? R n Brie.
  5. What did the cheese say after it won a game of chess? Check-mate!
  6. Why was the cheese brave? It was Gorgonzilla!
  7. Why don’t cheese ever get lost? Because they always follow the Gouda.
  8. What’s a cheese’s favorite type of vacation? A Brie-ze by the sea.
  9. What kind of cheese is the most religious? Swiss, because it’s holy.
  10. Why don’t cheese want to get sliced? They’re afraid of the grater good.
  11. How did the cheese paint his wife? He Double Gloucester.
  12. What does cheese say to itself in the mirror? Looking Gouda!
  13. Why did the cheese go broke? Because it had too many bills to Cheddar.
  14. What’s a lion’s favorite cheese? Roar-quefort.
  15. Why don’t cheese like to party? They’re too cultured.
  16. What did the slice of cheddar say to its crush? You make my heart Melt.
  17. Why did the cheese fail its driving test? It kept veering off onto the Brie-side.
  18. What type of cheese is made from bad milk? A curd-dle!
  19. What did the cheese say when it won the lottery? I’m ricotta-rich!
  20. What’s a pirate’s favorite cheese? Cheddarrrrrr!
  21. Why is Christmas the best time for cheese? Because of Baby Cheeses.
  22. How does a piece of cheese say goodbye? Smell ya later!
  23. What’s a cheese’s favorite car? A Volks-wedgen.
  24. Why don’t cheese make good detectives? They always crumble under pressure.
  25. What’s the saddest cheese? Blue.
  26. What did one cheese say to the other at the disco? You’re looking sharp.
  27. What cheese surrounds a medieval castle? Moat-zarella!
  28. What is a basketball player’s favorite cheese? Swiss, it’s nothing but net!
  29. What kind of cheese can fly? Curds of prey.
  30. Why do the French only eat one egg for breakfast? Because one egg is un oeuf (enough)!
  31. Why was the cheese feeling blue? It had mold.
  32. What is the most pessimistic cheese? Feta, it’s always expecting the worst.
  33. Why did the cheese go to the art exhibit? To get a little culture.
  34. What did the cheese say to the sushi? I’m Soy into you.
  35. Why was the cheese getting a lot of attention? It was a big brie-lieve.
  36. Why did the cheese lose a fight with a stone? Because the Roquefort was too hard.
  37. What cheese is a favorite of rodents? Mousecarpone.
  38. What do you call an annoying cheese? A pest-o!
  39. What did the cheese say when it finished its book? That was a gouda read.
  40. Why do cheese look good in photos? Because they say cheese!
  41. What did the grumpy cheese say? I’m fed up with your grater-itude.
  42. Why did the cheese get pulled over? For speeding on the cheddar highway.
  43. Why was the cheese feeling sophisticated? It was full of culture.
  44. What’s a football player’s favorite cheese? Fumble-aya!
  45. What’s a ghost’s favorite cheese? Boo-lignese.
  46. What cheese do you use to coax a bear down from a tree? Camembert.
  47. Why is the cheese a bad comedian? His jokes are too cheesy.
  48. What is a cannibal’s favorite cheese? Limburger.
  49. What is a comet’s favorite cheese? Cometbert.
  50. Why did the cheese go to jail? It was caught stealing curds.
  51. What’s a lawyer’s favorite cheese? Legal-a.
  52. What type of cheese never gets old? Everfresh.
  53. Why was the cheese always in trouble? It was up to no gouda.
  54. What’s a musician’s favorite cheese? Mozza-rella-rella-eh-eh-eh.
  55. Why did the cheese blush? It saw the salad dressing.
  56. What do you call cheese that isn’t yours? Nacho cheese!
  57. What did the Gouda say to the Cheddar? “Can I have a word? I need to Edam something.”
  58. What’s a nerd’s favorite cheese? Geeka.
  59. Why did the cheese get a job? It was tired of being a provo-lone.
  60. What cheese can never be yours? Nacho Cheese.
  61. Why was the cheese on a diet? It was feeling bleu.
  62. What’s a Southern cheese’s favorite saying? Y’all gonna make me lose my rind, up in here, up in here.
  63. What’s a pirate’s favorite cheese? Chedd-arrrrr!
  64. What’s a hero’s favorite cheese? Hero-mont.
  65. What do you call a cheese who can play the piano? Brie-thoven.
  66. Why did the cheese go to the bar? It heard there were a lot of singles.
  67. Why did the cheese go to the party? To have a Gouda time!
  68. What do you call a cheese that likes to shop? A Brie-tailer.
  69. Why did the cheese look pale? It saw the crackers.
  70. What’s a teacher’s favorite cheese? Educated Swiss.
  71. What cheese do dogs prefer? Pup-perjack.
  72. What’s a comedian’s favorite cheese? Laughing Cow.
  73. Why did the cheese love the ballpark? It was all about that base-brie.
  74. Why did the cheese join the circus? To be a dare-dairy.
  75. What do you call a cheese with curly hair? Perm-esan.
  76. What’s a chicken’s favorite cheese? Peck-orino.
  77. What do you call a dangerous cheese? A hazard-bert.
  78. What’s a lumberjack’s favorite cheese? Timber-nose.
  79. What’s a cat’s favorite cheese? Purrr-mesan.
  80. Why was the cheese always single? It was just too Gouda for anyone.
  81. Why did the cheese move to the suburbs? It wanted to live in a Roquefort.
  82. What’s a cheese’s favorite type of exercise? Curd-les.
  83. What cheese can predict the future? Gorgon-zodiac.
  84. What do you call an overworked cheese? Stress-arella.
  85. What is the Sun’s favorite cheese? Sol-zarella.
  86. What’s a vampire’s favorite cheese? Fanga.
  87. What do you call a popular cheese? A celebrie-ty.
  88. What cheese has a sweet tooth? Choco-late.
  89. What cheese doesn’t belong to you? Nacho cheese!
  90. Why was the cheese grumpy? It had a hard rind.
  91. What’s an electrician’s favorite cheese? Circuit Swiss.
  92. What’s a sprinter’s favorite cheese? Racerlette.
  93. What do you call a shy cheese? Introverta.
  94. What did the cheese say when it saw itself in the mirror? Hallo-mi!
  95. Why was the cheese lonely? It felt bleu.
  96. What’s a gardener’s favorite cheese? Plant-ae.
  97. What’s a tree’s favorite cheese? Bark-bert.
  98. Why did the cheese join a band? It had the perfect pitch.
  99. Why did the cheese go to the museum? It wanted to see some Van Gouda.
  100. Why don’t cheese like to argue? They hate getting into a grate debate.

That concludes our culinary comedy tour of cheese puns. We hope you enjoyed these appetizing analogies as much as we enjoyed preparing them for you. Spread the laughter like you’d spread your favorite cheese on a cracker. Keep smiling, keep sharing, and always remember, life is gouda when it’s filled with laughter.