99 Snowman Jokes That Will Melt You With Laughter

Bundle up for a flurry of fun with our collection of snowman jokes! These jokes are the perfect remedy for a cold day, or for anyone who loves a good wintertime chuckle. So, prepare to have a snowball of laughter roll your way, because these snowman jokes are guaranteed to warm your heart!

snowman jokes
  1. Why did the snowman break up with the snowwoman? He caught her picking her nose!
  2. Why don’t snowmen use combs? Because they always go bald.
  3. Why did the snowman go to school? He wanted to be a snowman-cum-laude.
  4. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack? An abdominal snowman.
  5. Why did the snowman visit his therapist? He had meltdown issues.
  6. Why was the snowman looking through the carrots? He was picking his nose.
  7. What did the snowman say to the aggressive carrot? “Get out of my face!”
  8. Why did the snowman turn yellow? Because you don’t know snowmanship.
  9. What do you call a snowman with a black belt? Frosty the snowman-throws.
  10. Why did the snowman smile? Because the snowblower was coming down the street.
  11. Why did the snowman go to the party? To break the ice.
  12. What’s a snowman’s favorite exercise? Snow-robics!
  13. What did the snowman say to the carrot? “I’m nosey about you!”
  14. What do you call an old snowman? Water.
  15. How does a snowman get to work? By riding his icicle.
  16. What’s a snowman’s favorite lunch? Icebergers.
  17. Why do snowmen always carry umbrellas? Just in case of a meltdown.
  18. What’s a snowman’s favorite breakfast? Frosted flakes.
  19. Why did the snowman call his dog Frost? Because frost bites!
  20. What do you call a snowman in the desert? A puddle.
snowman jokes
  1. What do snowmen call their offspring? Chill-dren.
  2. Why don’t snowmen fight? They’re afraid to throw the first snowball.
  3. Why did the snowman visit the dentist? To fix his frostbite.
  4. What’s a snowman’s least favorite weather? A warm front.
  5. Why don’t snowmen wear pants? Because they have snow balls.
  6. Why did the snowman cross the road? There was a snow blower on the other side.
  7. What’s a snowman’s favorite Mexican food? Brrr-itos.
  8. Why did the snowman go to the barber? For a trim of his snowbeard.
  9. Why did the snowman pull out his phone? To take a “cool” selfie.
  10. What’s a snowman’s favorite song? “Ice to Meet You.”
  11. How does a snowman get around? He rides an ‘icicle.
  12. What’s a snowman’s favorite drink? An ice-cold brew.
  13. Why did the snowman break his diet? He had a flake-out.
  14. What do you call a snowman with a temper? A meltdown.
  15. Why are snowmen bad at poker? You can always see their cold bluff.
  16. Why did the snowman join the gym? He wanted to feel flaky fit.
  17. What do snowmen call their bad days? Sleet days.
  18. How do snowmen greet each other? “Ice to meet you!”
  19. Why did the snowman become a politician? He had a cool demeanor.
  20. How do snowmen show affection? They give warm hugs.
  21. Why did the snowman go on a diet? He felt a bit flabby.
  22. What did the snowman wear to his wedding? A frosty tuxedo.
  23. Why did the snowman quit his job? He couldn’t stand the heat.
  24. What’s a snowman’s favorite type of music? Cool Jazz.
  25. Why was the snowman looking at the calendar? He was counting down the days until winter.
  26. Why don’t snowmen use cell phones? They fear global warming.
  27. Why did the snowman visit Hawaii? He wanted to be a slushie.
  28. What does a snowman take when he’s sick? A chill pill.
  29. Why don’t snowmen have a lot of friends? Because they’re flaky.
  30. Why did the snowman name his dog “Frost”? Because frost bites.
  31. Why don’t snowmen ever marry? Because they always get cold feet.
  32. What’s a snowman’s favorite dance? The snow-shuffle.
  33. Why did the snowman go to the barbecue? To get a tan!
  34. What is a snowman’s favorite game? Freeze tag.
  35. Why did the snowman bring a map to the party? To break the ice.
  36. Why was the snowman’s book so good? It was riveting from the frost page to the last.
  37. How does a snowman keep his pants up? With an ice-icle.
  38. Why did the snowman go to summer camp? He wanted to become a puddle of knowledge.
  39. How do you scare a snowman? You get a hairdryer!
  40. Why did the snowman turn red? He saw the snowblower coming.
  41. What does a snowman wear to bed? His snow-jamas.
  42. Why are snowmen great journalists? They always have the scoop on the weather.
  43. Why did the snowman go to Hollywood? He wanted to be a “brrrr-lister.”
  44. What do snowmen like to do on the weekend? Chill out.
  45. Why do snowmen always carry a pencil? To draw a frost impression.
  46. Why did the snowman become a musician? Because he had the keys to the “igloos.”
  47. How does a snowman stop a video? He hits the “paws” button.
  48. What does a snowman like to read? A brrrochure.
  49. How did the snowman travel to his vacation? He rode an “icicle.”
  50. What’s a snowman’s favorite type of car? A “blizzard” Benz.
  51. Why did the snowman bring a suitcase to the party? He came ready to “chill” out.
  52. Why do snowmen never use Tinder? They always get “melt-zoned.”
  53. Why was the snowman always quiet? He didn’t want to blizzard out secrets.
  54. How does a snowman express frustration? He lets out a “brrr.”
  55. Why are snowmen never lonely? Because they always come with a “flurry” of friends.
  56. Why do snowmen hate working overtime? They don’t want to “burn the midnight coal.”
  57. Why did the snowman fail the exam? He froze during the test.
  58. How does a snowman stop smoking? He uses “ice” patches.
  59. Why did the snowman visit the supermarket? To stock up on “chill-i” sauce.
  60. What’s a snowman’s favorite type of tea? Icetea.
  61. Why was the snowman looking at his watch? He was “snow” impatient.
  62. Why was the snowman always broke? Because he always “froze” his assets.
  63. What’s a snowman’s favorite day of the week? “Sun-dae.”
  64. What’s a snowman’s favorite candy? Ice-icles.
  65. Why do snowmen never lie? Because you can always “see right through them.”
  66. How does a snowman say goodbye? “I’m melting away!”
  67. What does a snowman eat for dinner? “Chilly” with “ice-berg” lettuce.
  68. Why was the snowman so good at math? Because he was a “whiz”ard.
  69. Why did the snowman join the circus? Because he had a “flare” for the dramatic.
  70. Why did the snowman bring a flashlight to the party? He wanted to have a “glowing” time.
  71. Why don’t snowmen ever catch a cold? Because they are always “cool.”
  72. Why did the snowman visit the beach? He wanted to have a “sandy” experience.
  73. What does a snowman put in his coffee? “Whipped cold.”
  74. Why did the snowman call a plumber? His “pipes” were frozen.
  75. What do you call a snowman in spring? A “drip.”
  76. Why did the snowman visit the psychiatrist? He had a “flurry” of problems.
  77. Why don’t snowmen make good detectives? Because they always “crack under pressure.”
  78. Why did the snowman go to university? He wanted to be a “snow-it-all.”
  79. Why did the snowman join the police? He wanted to “freeze” the bad guys.

We hope you’ve had a flurry of fun with our collection of snowman jokes. From mildly amusing to hilariously icy, these jokes are sure to add a sparkle of humor to any wintry conversation. Keep them handy for the moments when you need a dose of laughter to melt away the cold. Remember, life’s always a bit more fun when you’re snowed under with good humor!