90 Unforgettable Santa Jokes to Spark Holiday Laughter

Step into the festive spirit with our hilarious Santa jokes that promise to fill your holidays with laughter and joy. From classic Christmas humor to the downright silly, these Santa jokes will ignite a sense of joy in your household and have everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, chuckling. Discover the magic and mirth of Santa Claus like never before!

santa jokes
  1. Why did Santa become a gardener? Because he always wanted to “ho ho hoe!”
  2. Why does Santa always carry an umbrella? Just in Claus it rains!
  3. Why did Santa get a ticket? For sleighing too fast.
  4. Why does Santa like to do his laundry? Because he’s a Claus-trophobic!
  5. What do you call Santa when he accidentally falls into a fireplace? Krisp Kringle.
  6. What do you call a cat on Santa’s sleigh? Claws.
  7. Why does Santa always carry a map? He doesn’t want to get lost in the Ho Ho Home.
  8. What do you call Santa when he takes a break? A rest-a-Clause.
  9. How does Santa keep his suits wrinkle-free? He uses Claus-tarch.
  10. Why did Santa bring 22 reindeer to the mall? He wanted to play Reindeer Games.
  11. Why does Santa go to the gym? He has to maintain his “Jolly” figure.
  12. What’s Santa’s favorite measurement in the metric system? The Santameter.
  13. Why does Santa always win at poker? He knows when you’re bluffing!
  14. What do you call a Santa who’s stuck in the chimney? Claus-trophobic.
  15. Why does Santa have three gardens? So he can ho-ho-ho.
  16. Why does Santa always carry a stick? In case he comes across slow deer.
  17. What do you call Santa when he accidentally spills his coffee? St. Nickerless.
  18. What do you call a broke Santa? Saint Nickel-less.
  19. Why doesn’t Santa like going out in the rain? He’s a bit of a slush.
  20. What’s Santa’s favorite type of potato? A ro-ho-ho-sted one.
santa jokes
  1. What do you call Santa when he takes a coffee break? St. Starbucks.
  2. What’s Santa’s favorite sandwich? Peanut butter and jolly.
  3. Why does Santa have an Instagram account? He likes to show off his ‘elfies.
  4. What do you call a Santa who sings? Santa-tone.
  5. Why does Santa love gardening? He likes to plant Claus-tums.
  6. How does Santa keep his clothes so red? He uses Claus-tarch.
  7. Why does Santa like to work in the garden? He loves to ho-ho-ho.
  8. What do you call Santa when he takes a lunch break? Sandwich Claus.
  9. Why did Santa go to the therapist? He no longer believed in himself.
  10. Why does Santa always carry a stopwatch? He likes to keep track of “elf” time.
  11. What’s Santa’s favorite type of exercise? Yule-tide Yoga.
  12. How does Santa take his coffee? Claus-ta cream and sugar.
  13. Why did Santa start wearing glasses? Because of his elf eyesight.
  14. Why does Santa owe everything to the elves? They are his “elf-made” friends.
  15. Why does Santa always win at bingo? He always has the “No-El.”
  16. What do you call Santa when he’s in a hurry? Rushing Claus.
  17. How does Santa keep his suit wrinkle-free? He uses Claus-tarch.
  18. Why does Santa always carry a compass? So he doesn’t get disoriented in the “snowhere.”
  19. Why did Santa become a chef? Because he loves to mix and “mistletoe.”
  20. What’s Santa’s favorite type of music? Wrap music!
  21. What do you call a Santa who takes too many breaks? Pause Clause.
  22. What’s Santa’s favorite type of math? Algebra-ho-ho.
  23. Why did Santa go to music school? To improve his “wrap” skills.
  24. What’s Santa’s favorite type of candy? Jolly Ranchers.
  25. Why is Santa good at karate? He has a black belt in Chimney Chops.
  26. Why did Santa become a detective? He wanted to “sleigh” the case.
  27. What’s Santa’s favorite breakfast food? Frosted Flakes, because they’re “snow” good.
  28. Why did Santa go on a diet? He was becoming a bit too “round” the belly.
  29. What do you call a Santa who forgets to deliver gifts? A “Forgetful” Claus.
  30. What’s Santa’s favorite dance? The “Santa-mental” jig.
  31. Why did Santa become a baker? Because he kneads the dough.
  32. What’s Santa’s favorite vegetable? “Yule-kale.”
  33. Why did Santa go to the mechanic? His “sleigh” was broken.
  34. Why did Santa bring a ladder? Because he wanted to reach the high notes!
  35. What do you call a Santa with no presents? A Clause for concern.
  36. What’s Santa’s favorite part of a joke? The “punch” line.
  37. Why does Santa always use a planner? He doesn’t want to miss a “jingle” thing.
  38. What’s Santa’s favorite condiment? Claus-tard.
  39. What do you call a Santa who works at an orchestra? A Santa-phony!
  40. Why does Santa always stay warm? He knows how to “glove” himself.
  41. What do you call Santa when he takes time off? Santa Pause.
  42. What’s Santa’s favorite cereal? “Snow-flakes.”
  43. Why does Santa have a big umbrella? Because of the rein-dear.
  44. Why did Santa go to business school? He wanted to be a Clause-CEO.
  45. What’s Santa’s favorite movie? “It’s a wonderful sleigh.”
  46. What do you call Santa when he walks backwards? Santa Re-Claus.
  47. What do you call Santa when he acts suspiciously? Sneaky Claus.
  48. Why did Santa start learning Spanish? To say “Yo Yo Yo” instead of “Ho Ho Ho”.
  49. Why does Santa always wear boots? Because he can’t “sleigh” without them.
  50. What’s Santa’s favorite seafood? “Claws-taceans.”
  51. Why is Santa a good runner? He trains on the “elf”-letic track.
  52. What’s Santa’s favorite way to make coffee? The French “sleigh” method.
  53. Why did Santa start painting? He wanted to make a “master-elf”-piece.
  54. What do you call a Santa who takes forever to deliver presents? Delay Claus.
  55. Why did Santa get glasses? For better “elf”-sight.
  56. What do you call Santa when he goes on vacation? Santa Rest-a-Clause.
  57. What’s Santa’s favorite cookie? “Chimney” Chip.
  58. What’s Santa’s favorite planet? Mars, because it’s red like his suit.
  59. Why does Santa always carry a GPS? To stay on the “elf”-right path.
  60. Why did Santa go to the library? To check out the “elf”-abet.
  61. What do you call Santa when he loses his pants? St. Knicker-less.
  62. Why does Santa always wear a hat? To cover his “snow”-cap.
  63. Why does Santa always check his list twice? He suffers from “elf”-zheimers.
  64. What do you call Santa when he becomes a musician? Santa-claus-tic.
  65. What’s Santa’s favorite fruit? “Pome-ho-ho-granate.”
  66. Why did Santa start a rock band? He loves to “sleigh” the guitar.
  67. What’s Santa’s favorite type of shoe? His “snow”-kers.
  68. What’s Santa’s favorite type of pie? “Cherry-ho-ho.”
  69. What do you call Santa when he loses all his money? St. Nickel-less.
  70. Why does Santa always bring a flashlight? To go “light” on the gifts.

We hope these Santa jokes brought a sparkle of festive cheer to your day! Remember, laughter is one of the greatest gifts of the season. So, spread the cheer, share these jokes, and keep the holiday spirit alive. Stay tuned for more fun and laughter, because here, the joy of Christmas lasts all year long!