100 Unbeatable Pumpkin Puns to Spice Up Your Fall Season

As autumn leaves fall and the air turns crisp, pumpkins take center stage in every front yard, kitchen, and conversation. To celebrate this star of fall, we’ve gathered 40 unbeatable pumpkin puns guaranteed to add some spice to your autumn chit-chats. Brace yourselves for a humorous journey through the pumpkin patch!

pumpkin puns
  1. Why do pumpkins never quarrel? Because they have no gourd feelings.
  2. How do pumpkins get around? They use their vine-icles.
  3. Why did the pumpkin go to school? To get a little more pumpkin-spiced knowledge.
  4. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite sport? Squash.
  5. Why did the pumpkin cross the road? Because it fell off the wagon.
  6. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite sunblock? Coppertone gourd-eous.
  7. What do pumpkins use to fix everything? Pumpkin patch.
  8. Why was the pumpkin so proud? It was feeling gourd-geous.
  9. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of math? Pumpkin pi.
  10. Why don’t pumpkins ever watch horror movies? They’re too gourd.
  11. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite musical instrument? A pumpkin flute.
  12. Why was the pumpkin a good listener? It was all ears of corn.
  13. What do you get when a pumpkin bumps its head? A pumpkin concussion.
  14. Why are pumpkins good at baseball? They’re natural pitchers.
  15. What do you call a fast pumpkin? A gourd-geetta.
  16. Why don’t pumpkins get angry? They’ve got thick skin.
  17. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite horror movie? The Gourding.
  18. Why was the pumpkin a great musician? It really knew how to squash those high notes.
  19. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite city? Vine-couver.
  20. How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch.
pumpkin puns
  1. What do you call a romantic pumpkin? A sweet gourd.
  2. Why do pumpkins never play hide and seek? Because they always get picked.
  3. Why was the pumpkin always calm? It kept its gourd.
  4. What do pumpkins use to take notes? A pumpkin pen-cil.
  5. Why did the pumpkin use a night light? It was afraid of the dark.
  6. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite pie? Pumpkin pi.
  7. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite unit of weight? Gram gourd.
  8. Why are pumpkins good at boxing? They have a mean right hook.
  9. Why was the pumpkin so relaxed? It just let out its seeds.
  10. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite television show? Gourd-eon Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen.
  11. What do you call a pumpkin who broke the law? A criminal gourd.
  12. What do you call a gourd that can play guitar? A rock-n-roll pumpkin.
  13. Why did the pumpkin get promoted? It was outstanding in its field.
  14. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite shape? A circle – like a wheel!
  15. Why did the pumpkin start a business? To grow its seed money.
  16. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite song? “Gourd-eous” by Taylor Swift.
  17. Why do pumpkins never get lost? They always follow the vine.
  18. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of pasta? Spaghetti squash.
  19. Why did the pumpkin bring sunscreen to the beach? It didn’t want to turn into a pumpkin pie.
  20. Why don’t pumpkins use smartphones? They prefer vine communication.
  21. What do you call a pumpkin who likes to swim? A water gourd.
  22. Why are pumpkins so good at gardening? They’re always on the grow.
  23. What do you call a pumpkin stand-up comedian? A jolly gourd.
  24. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite dance move? The gourd twist.
  25. Why did the pumpkin go to the party? To have a smashing time.
  26. What do you call a pumpkin who loves Christmas? A Santa gourd.
  27. Why do pumpkins sit on porches? They have no legs to stand on.
  28. What do you call a pumpkin with a great idea? A bright gourd.
  29. Why did the pumpkin go to therapy? To work on its inner seeds.
  30. Why did the pumpkin bring a map to the corn maze? It didn’t want to go off the gourd.
  31. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite fabric? Vine-lon.
  32. Why do pumpkins always win at poker? They keep a poker gourd face.
  33. Why was the pumpkin so fit? It was always running its vines.
  34. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of exercise? Squash-ercise.
  35. What do you call a well-behaved pumpkin? A gourd-geous guest.
  36. Why don’t pumpkins ever tell secrets? They’re afraid of spilling the beans.
  37. What do you call a pumpkin that’s gone bad? A rotten gourd.
  38. What do you call a cool pumpkin? Rad-ish.
  39. Why do pumpkins make terrible detectives? They always crack under pressure.
  40. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of music? Vine-yl.
  41. Why don’t pumpkins like to go swimming? They prefer to stay dry.
  42. Why do pumpkins never lie? They can’t keep a gourd face.
  43. What do you call a pumpkin who does well in school? A gourd-eous genius.
  44. Why do pumpkins make poor secret agents? They’re easy to squash.
  45. What do you call a pumpkin with a bad temper? A sour gourd.
  46. Why are pumpkins such great comedians? They have a gourd sense of humor.
  47. What do you call a pumpkin that loves to read? A gourd-eous bookworm.
  48. Why do pumpkins always carry an umbrella? They don’t want to become pumpkin soup.
  49. Why do pumpkins sit on the porch? They’re waiting for their turn to shine.
  50. What do you call a pumpkin that plays basketball? A slam gourd.
  51. Why are pumpkins never early? They grow on their own time.
  52. What do you call a pumpkin that’s good at math? A gourd-eous geek.
  53. Why do pumpkins make lousy tennis players? Their serve is all squashed.
  54. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of candy? Gourd-licious gumdrops.
  55. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite weather? Cool and crisp – perfect for fall.
  56. Why did the pumpkin go to college? To get a degree in vine arts.
  57. What do you call a pumpkin that tells time? A gourd clock.
  58. Why do pumpkins make terrible soccer players? They can’t kick.
  59. What do you call a pumpkin that travels the world? A gourd-geous globetrotter.
  60. Why did the pumpkin stop rolling down the hill? It ran out of juice.
  61. What do you call a pumpkin that’s a great cook? A gourd-on Bleu.
  62. Why don’t pumpkins play football? They’re afraid of getting squashed.
  63. What do you call a pumpkin that can sing? A gourd-eous diva.
  64. Why was the pumpkin always tired? It was out of its gourd.
  65. What do you call a pumpkin who loves to fish? A gourd angler.
  66. Why do pumpkins never forget? They always remember their roots.
  67. What do you call a pumpkin with an attitude? A hard gourd.
  68. Why do pumpkins never get invited to parties? They’re too vine-y.
  69. What do you call a pumpkin that can dance? A gourd-eous ballerina.
  70. Why was the pumpkin always calm? It had inner peas.
  71. What do you call a pumpkin that’s a good listener? A gourd-eous confidant.
  72. Why don’t pumpkins play hide and seek? They’re always picked first.
  73. What do you call a pumpkin that tells jokes? A gourd-geous comedian.
  74. Why are pumpkins always the last to leave a party? They want to squash every moment.
  75. What do you call a pumpkin that loves winter? A snow gourd.
  76. Why do pumpkins never get lost? They’ve got pumpkin instinct.
  77. What do you call a pumpkin that’s a good friend? A gourd-eous companion.
  78. Why do pumpkins never give up? They’re absolutely vine-stoppable.
  79. What do you call a pumpkin that likes fast food? A gourd-geous junkie.
  80. Why do pumpkins never get cold? They’ve got thick skins.

We hope these pumpkin puns have brought an extra layer of warmth and laughter to your fall festivities. Whether you’ve shared these with friends at a bonfire or enjoyed them with a pumpkin-spiced latte in hand, remember to keep the puns flowing as freely as the fall leaves. Here’s to a pun-filled autumn, full of laughter and spice!