Get ready for a hearty harvest of humor with our selection of pumpkin jokes! These are perfect for fall enthusiasts, humor lovers, or anyone craving a pumpkin-spiced chuckle. So, light up your smile and prepare to be amused, because these pumpkin jokes are gourdgeously funny!

- Why was the pumpkin a great musician? Because it had the best organ.
- What do you call a pumpkin who plays baseball? A pumpkin pitcher.
- Why was the pumpkin jealous of the grape? It was feeling a little vine-envy.
- Why was the pumpkin so good at chess? It had squash strategy.
- What do you call a romantic pumpkin? A pumpkin suitor.
- Why was the pumpkin so relaxed? It was feeling gourd-geous.
- What do you call a pumpkin who works out? A pumpkin flex.
- How do pumpkins fix things? They patch it up!
- Why don’t pumpkins ever quarrel? Because they squash their differences.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite sport? Squash!
- Why don’t pumpkins ever watch horror movies? They’re too gourd to watch!
- Why did the pumpkin use a phone? To keep in vine touch.
- What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? Pumpkin pi.
- What do pumpkins use to write their assignments? A pumpkin pen-cil.
- Why did the pumpkin sit on the porch? It had no guts to go inside.
- What’s a pumpkin’s job at a football game? The punter!
- Why did the pumpkin turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.
- What do you call a group of musical pumpkins? A gourd ensemble.
- Why did the pumpkin go to school? To get a little more rounded.
- What do you call a fast pumpkin? A speed gourd.

- Why did the pumpkin start a band? To hit the gourd old days of rock ‘n’ roll!
- Why was the pumpkin good at playing hide and seek? Because it was a great hider-rind!
- What do you call a pumpkin that works at a soda factory? A Fizz-icist.
- What do pumpkins serve at a party? Squash smoothies!
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of math? Geome-try.
- Why did the pumpkin stop in the middle of the road? It ran out of vine.
- What did the pumpkin say after a hard day? I’m feeling gourd out.
- How do pumpkins get to school? On the squash bus.
- Why are pumpkins bad at tennis? They always get served.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite after-school activity? Carving out some time for fun.
- What do you call a pumpkin that breaks the rules? A rebel gourd.
- Why do pumpkins sit on the porch? They have an in-gourd-ible view.
- What do you call a pumpkin with a great voice? A gourd-geous singer.
- Why did the pumpkin go to therapy? It had a lot to get off its chest.
- What do you call a pumpkin who can play the guitar? A strum-kin.
- What do you call a cat that lives in a pumpkin? A squash cat.
- What do you call a scared pumpkin? A jitter-gourd.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite dance? The mash potato!
- Why are pumpkins good listeners? They are all ears!
- Why did the pumpkin never lie? It could always be gourd-trusted.
- How do pumpkins decorate their homes? With curlicue vines.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite room? The living gourd.
- Why was the pumpkin always calm? It was always centered.
- Why did the pumpkin go to the party? To have a gourd time.
- How does a pumpkin fix a flat tire? With a pumpkin patch.
- Why are pumpkins so good at boxing? They have hard punches.
- What do you call a pumpkin that’s gone bad? A rotted gourd.
- Why are pumpkins never lost? They keep track of their vines.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite musical note? B-flat, because it’s not sharp.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite day of the week? Sun-squash-day.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of movie? A vine-tage film.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of music? Vine-yl records.
- Why was the pumpkin so popular? Because it was the pick of the patch!
- Why did the pumpkin join the gym? To get totally ripped.
- Why don’t pumpkins get into arguments? They prefer to squash it.
- How do you fix a broken pumpkin? With a pumpkin patch.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite TV show? “Vine is Right.”
- Why don’t pumpkins ever get angry? They’re always in a gourd mood.
- How does a pumpkin say goodbye? “See you vine-ally.”
- Why was the pumpkin so trendy? It was always in season.
- Why did the pumpkin go to the doctor? It felt a little hollow inside.
- Why was the pumpkin always early? It was ahead of its vine.
- Why did the pumpkin join the circus? It wanted to be a juggler.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of weather? A little frosty.
- Why did the pumpkin go to a bar? It heard they were serving squash shots.
- What do you call a pumpkin who’s always late? A tardy gourd.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of cake? Layered – it’s all about depth!
- Why did the pumpkin go to the beach? To catch some rays and turn orange.
- Why did the pumpkin use sunscreen? It didn’t want to peel.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of hat? A cap-puccino.
- Why was the pumpkin so good at yoga? It was very grounded.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of suit? A three-pieced.
- Why do pumpkins make terrible secret agents? They can’t hide their seeds.
- What’s a pumpkin’s favorite type of pie? Its own, of course!
- Why did the pumpkin go to the gym? To work on its pumpkin abs.
- Why did the pumpkin cross the road? To prove it wasn’t chicken.
- Why did the pumpkin stop halfway through the marathon? It ran out of pulp.
- Why did the pumpkin join the orchestra? Because it had the pipes.
- Why did the pumpkin go to college? To get a degree in seedy business.
- How do pumpkins spice up their life? With a little cinnamon and nutmeg.
- Why are pumpkins great comedians? They’re always cracking people up.
- Why was the pumpkin such a good baseball player? Because it had a great pitcher.
- Why did the pumpkin get promoted? It was always ahead of the curve.
- Why did the pumpkin win the race? It had a great vine.
- Why did the pumpkin fail its driving test? It peeled out.
- Why did the pumpkin go to jail? For stalking.
- Why did the pumpkin become a baker? It kneaded the dough.
We hope our collection of pumpkin jokes has planted a seed of laughter in your day. From the mildly amusing to the riotously funny, these jokes are sure to add a touch of fall fun to any conversation. Keep them on hand for those times when you need to lighten the mood. After all, life’s always more delightful when you’re sowing seeds of laughter!