100 Pizza Puns That Will Have You Crust-Falling in Laughter

Brace yourself for a slice of hilarity as we serve up our topping-filled platter of pizza puns! Whether you’re a fan of cheesy humor, punny wordplay, or simply pizza, our selection of pizza-themed puns will add an extra helping of amusement to your day. From the pepperoni-ly punny to the supremely silly, get ready for a feast of fun.

pizza puns
  1. Why don’t we make jokes about pizza? Because it’s too cheesy.
  2. Why did the pizza maker go broke? Because he kneaded too much dough!
  3. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.
  4. What does a pizza say when it introduces itself to you? Slice to meet you.
  5. What did the pizza say to the delivery guy? You don’t pepper-own me!
  6. Why did the pizza go to school? It wanted to be a “pizz-a” cake.
  7. What type of person doesn’t love pizza? A weir-dough!
  8. Why was the pizza maker bad at playing cards? Because he always had a pizza heart.
  9. Why didn’t the cheese want to get sliced? It had grater plans.
  10. What do pizzas wear to smell good? Cal-zon-e.
  11. What does a pizza wear to the beach? Cheese-string bikinis!
  12. Why did the pizza go to therapy? It couldn’t make a ‘pizza’ mind.
  13. How do you fix a broken pizza? With tomato paste.
  14. What’s a pizza’s favorite song? “Slice, slice baby.”
  15. Why did the pizza go to the party? Because it heard there’d be lots of “cheese”.
  16. What does a pizza say when it asks for your phone number? Can I get a slice of you?
  17. Why did the mushroom get invited to all the pizza parties? Because it was such a fungi.
  18. Why did the pizza break up with the topping? Because it couldn’t let it dough.
  19. What did the parmesan say to the mozzarella? “You’re grate!”
  20. Why was the pizza box embarrassed? It felt like it had too many “flaps”.
  21. Why did the pizza go to the museum? It wanted to see some art-ichokes.
  22. Why did the pizza maker go to jail? He got caught topping the scales.
  23. Why did the pizza visit the dentist? It needed a filling.
  24. What’s the difference between a pizza and my pizza jokes? My jokes can’t be topped!
  25. What’s a pizza’s favorite movie? “Pie Hard.”
  26. What’s a pizza’s least favorite city? “Crust-anbul.”
  27. Why was the pizza blushing? It saw the salad dressing.
  28. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the pizza sauce!
  29. How do you handle dangerous pizza? With caution. It’s saucy and it cuts deep.
  30. Why did the pizza maker bring a ladder to work? To reach the upper crust.
pizza puns
  1. What’s a pizza’s favorite style of music? Crust punk.
  2. What does a pizza do when it’s ready to box? It gets a slice of the action.
  3. Why did the pizza stop playing poker? It couldn’t deal with being on a roll.
  4. Why did the pizza slice go to the bar? It heard the drinks were on the house.
  5. What’s a pizza maker’s favorite exercise? Dough-lifts.
  6. What did the pizza say to the topping? “I never SAUsage you coming!”
  7. Why couldn’t the cheese sleep? It had nightmares about pizza cutters.
  8. Why did the dough never fight back? It didn’t want to get rolled.
  9. Why don’t pizzas make good secret agents? They always get sliced and diced.
  10. What do you call a sleeping pizza? A pizzzzzza.
  11. Why did the pizza go to the gym? It wanted to get a slice of the action.
  12. How does a pizza flirt? It gives you a “pizza” its heart.
  13. Why didn’t the slice of pizza study for its exam? It knew it would just get eaten up in the end.
  14. Why don’t pizzas swim? They don’t want to get soggy.
  15. How do you know if a pizza loves you? It always says, “Olive you.”
  16. Why don’t pizzas like winter? They get cold and crusty.
  17. How does a pizza propose? With an onion ring.
  18. What did the mozzarella say to the pepperoni? “You’re spicy enough for me.”
  19. Why did the pizza never get lost? It always knew where its slice is.
  20. What did the pizza maker say when he messed up? “I guess I’m just not cut out for this.”
  21. What’s a pizza maker’s favorite novel? “Great Ex-pec-toppings.”
  22. What does a pizza say when it goes skiing? “Pizza, French Fries, Pizza, French Fries.”
  23. What did the pizza maker say to the lazy dough? “You need to get rolling!”
  24. Why don’t pizzas slide down hills? They always end up with a split topping!
  25. What’s the pizza’s favorite dance? The margherita-tango.
  26. What does a pizza use to go fishing? Deep-dish bait.
  27. Why did the pizza call the police? It got mugged in the oven.
  28. What’s the pizza’s favorite vacation spot? The Leaning Tower of Pizza.
  29. Why was the pizza crust feeling lonely? It always felt on the edge.
  30. Why did the tomato sauce go broke? It was spread too thin!
  31. Why don’t pizzas tell secrets? They always get delivered.
  32. What’s a pizza’s favorite subject? Geo-dough-graphy.
  33. How do pizzas greet each other? “Slice to meet you!”
  34. Why was the pizza maker stressed? His plans were always getting tossed around.
  35. How does a pizza party end? When all the slices have been cut out.
  36. What do pizzas put in their drinks? Ice and slice.
  37. Why are pizzas good at solving problems? They always work from the bottom up.
  38. Why did the slice of pizza go to jail? It was caught topping a bank.
  39. What does a pizza say to a treadmill? “You’re ripping me apart!”
  40. What do pizzas use to make a call? Their pepper-phone-i.
  41. How do pizzas stay in shape? They always have a good workout in the oven.
  42. How does a pizza cut its hair? It goes for a slice and dice.
  43. How do pizzas clean their teeth? With flour-ide toothpaste.
  44. Why was the pizza feeling self-conscious? It heard it was getting picked up.
  45. What’s a pizza’s favorite board game? Cheesy-checkers.
  46. What does a pizza call its father? Pop-a-john.
  47. How does a pizza take its coffee? Deep-brewed.
  48. What do you call a spicy pizza? A hot slice of life.
  49. Why did the pizza join a band? It had the dough and the rolls.
  50. How do pizzas stay cool in summer? They use pepper-fans.
  51. Why did the pizza break up with its topping? It felt too saucy.
  52. What do you call a pizza that sings? A tune-a pizza.
  53. Why do pizzas never forget? They always have their orders up.
  54. How does a pizza ask for a date? “Do you want a pizza me?”
  55. Why don’t pizzas lose in a fight? They always have a slice up their sleeve.
  56. What does a pizza call its mother? Mamma-mia.
  57. Why do pizzas make great comedians? They always have the best delivery.
  58. What’s a pizza’s favorite playground game? Slice-Slice Goose.
  59. Why was the pizza always broke? It kept giving away all its dough.
  60. Why did the pizza break up with the garlic bread? It felt too crusty.
  61. What do you call a hot dog with pizza toppings? A dog-gone good pizza.
  62. What’s a pizza’s favorite part of a joke? The punch-line.
  63. Why was the pizza feeling blue? It felt like it wasn’t enough dough.
  64. Why did the pizza stay at home? It felt too saucy.
  65. What do you call a pizza with just cheese? A plain Jane.
  66. What did the pizza say to the Italian chef? “You’ve stolen a pizza my heart.”
  67. Why did the pizza cross the road? To get to the other slice.
  68. What did the pizza say to the pineapple? “You’ve got a lot of appeal.”
  69. Why did the pizza go to the disco? To do the dough-si-doh.
  70. How does a pizza say goodbye? “Slice to meet you, slice to leave you!”

We hope you found these pizza puns as deliciously amusing as we did, even if they were a tad cheesy. But remember, a little bit of humor can make your day go round, like a perfect pizza pie! Thanks for digesting these puns with us. Stay tuned for more servings of lighthearted humor in our upcoming articles!