Welcome to the coop of humor with our egg-straordinary collection of chicken jokes. These feathery quips are sure to ruffle your feathers with laughter. From chicks to roosters, we’ve got every cluck and crow covered. Ready to hatch some laughs?

- Why did the chicken join a band? Because it had the drumsticks.
- What do you call a chicken who tells bad jokes? A corn-y hen.
- Why did the chicken stop in the middle of the road? Because it wanted to lay it on the line.
- How does a chicken send mail? In a hen-velope.
- What does a chicken need to play baseball? Fowl balls.
- What do you call a crazy chicken? A cuckoo cluck.
- Why was the chicken always getting into trouble? It had a bad cluck-titude.
- Why do chickens never forget anything? They always hen-scribe everything.
- Why was the chicken a great mathematician? Because it mastered chicken scratch.
- What do you call a chicken at the North Pole? Lost.
- Why did the chicken break up with the rooster? She was tired of all his crow-ing.
- What do you call a bird who’s afraid to fly? A chicken.
- Why did the chicken go to therapy? It had too many cooped up emotions.
- Why did the chicken join a gym? It was tired of being a featherweight.
- Why did the chicken watch a horror movie? For the poultry-geist.
- What do chickens grow on a farm? Egg-plants.
- Why did the chicken join the circus? He was a true cock-a-doodle-daredevil.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite composer? Bach!
- Why did the chicken go to the séance? To talk to the other side.
- How does a chicken get strong? Egg-cercise.
- What did the chicken say to the turkey? Nothing, chickens can’t talk!
- How do you know if a chicken is mean? It gives you the cold shoulder bawk!
- Why was the chicken bad at hide and seek? Because it always chickened out.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite dog? A bark-bark!
- What do you get when you cross a chicken with a door? A peck-door.
- Why was the chicken so relaxed? It was feeling plucky.
- Why did the chicken refuse to play cards? It was afraid of cheep tricks.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite kind of story? A cluck-tale.
- Why did the chicken get an award? For egg-ceptional bravery.
- What do you call a chicken that floats? A buoyant bird.

- What’s a chicken’s favorite type of money? Buck-bucks.
- Why did the chicken become a referee? It wanted to call fowl.
- Why was the chicken a great actor? It knew how to wing it.
- How do chickens say goodbye? “See ya cluck-er!”
- Why was the chicken always so calm? It was no spring chicken.
- What do you call a chicken at a shell station? A gas chick.
- Why did the chicken read novels? It liked the chicken lit.
- Why was the chicken good at basketball? It had a great pecking order.
- What does a chicken do when it’s bored? It eggs-it.
- Why did the chicken become a scientist? It wanted to crack the egg-sistence mystery.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite holiday? New Year’s Beak.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite kind of sandwich? A peck-le sandwich.
- How did the chicken pay its bills? With cluck-currency.
- Why did the chicken go to the beach? It heard about the sand-wiches.
- Why don’t chickens like people? They beat eggs.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite car? A coupe.
- How do chickens flirt? They egg-cite each other.
- What do you call a chicken that can play the piano? A cluck maestro.
- Why did the chicken get a tattoo? It wanted a peck-ermark.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite landmark? The Eiffel Towler.
- Why don’t chickens have Facebook? They already know all their peeps.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite candy? Peep-s.
- What do you call a sleepwalking chicken? A roost-walker.
- Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide.
- How do chickens celebrate birthdays? With a cake and a game of “Peck the tail on the donkey”.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite dance move? The Funky Chicken.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite game? Cluck, cluck, GOOSE!
- Why did the chicken become a ghost? It was a poultry-geist.
- Why did the chicken go to the seashore? To visit the sand pecks.
- Why was the chicken so popular? Because it was egg-straordinary!
- What’s a chicken’s favorite musical instrument? The egg-shaker.
- Why did the chicken cross the internet? To get to the other site.
- Why was the chicken good at chess? It moved in pecks.
- What did the chicken say to the duck? “You quack me up!”
- Why did the chicken go to a concert? It wanted to see the band bawk!
- What’s a chicken’s favorite soda? Coop-cola.
- Why did the chicken go to the bakery? It heard the bread was freshly pecked.
- Why did the chicken go to the library? It wanted a book, book, book!
- What do you call a chicken who’s good at drawing? A sketch-hen.
- How does a chicken laugh? “Cluck cluck cluck!”
- Why did the chicken go to the barber? It wanted a trim, trim, trim!
- Why did the chicken join a corporation? It wanted to be a business cluck.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite subject in school? Eggs-ology.
- Why did the chicken write a book? It wanted to be an author-hen.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite type of music? Beak-n-roll.
- Why did the chicken meditate? It needed to find its inner pees.
- Why was the chicken at the police station? It was a suspect in a fowl play.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite type of math? Square roost.
- Why did the chicken wear sunglasses? It was a cool chick.
- What do you call a chicken staring at lettuce? A chicken sees-a-salad.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite superhero? Hen-man.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite city? New Yolk.
- What do you call a chicken in a shell suit? An egg.
- Why did the chicken go to school? It wanted to be egg-ucated.
- Why did the chicken join a band? It had the perfect pitch.
- Why was the chicken good at tennis? It always served fowl balls.
- What do you call a chicken that counts? A mathmachicken.
- Why did the chicken cross the road halfway? It wanted to lay it on the line.
- What do you call a chicken in a vest? Egg-vested.
- Why did the chicken go to the construction site? It wanted to lay the foundation.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite plant? Egg-plant.
- Why did the chicken get a time out? It wouldn’t stop playing fowl.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite playground game? Duck, duck, cluck.
- Why did the chicken refuse to fight the turkey? It didn’t want to commit fowl play.
- What do you call a chicken that’s gone bad? Malfeatherant.
- Why did the chicken go to the casino? It was feeling plucky.
- Why did the chicken sit on the egg? It didn’t have a chair.
- Why did the chicken start a bakery? It was tired of working for chicken feed.
- What do you call a bird that’s afraid of heights? Chicken.
- What do you call a chicken that wakes you up at the same time every morning? An alarm cluck.

- Why did the chicken cross the basketball court? He heard the ref was blowing fowls.
- What does a chicken need to fix its house? A hen-chman.
- Why was the chicken afraid of the computer? It was having trouble with Windows.
- What does a chicken use to bake a cake? A hen mixer.
- Why did the chicken cross the road? To prove to the possum that it could be done!
- What do you call a chicken that’s ready for dinner? Fry-ready.
- Why did the chicken sit on an axe? It wanted to hatchet.
- Why was the chicken late to work? It was laying on the job.
- Why did the chicken go to the bank? To make a de-poultry.
- Why did the chicken use a GPS? It didn’t want to wing it.
- Why did the chicken refuse to leave its house? It was cooped up.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite type of movie? Anything but a roost-ery film.
- What does a chicken do when it’s annoyed? It grumbles and mumbles cluck under its breath.
- What do you call a chicken that is good at fixing things? A handy hen.
- Why was the chicken good at school? It always had its ducks in a row.
- Why did the chicken get a job as a DJ? It liked to scratch.
- What do you call a bird who’s finished its meal? Chicken dinner winner.
- Why did the chicken go to KFC? It wanted to see a chicken strip.
- How does a chicken mail a letter? In a hen-velope.
- Why did the chicken go to Burger King? It wanted a chicken fry.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite novel? Great Eggspectations.
- Why did the chicken become a teacher? Because it had the chalk.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite Olympic sport? The 100 meter peck.
- Why did the chicken wear red lipstick? It wanted to look egg-stra pretty.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite piece of clothing? A hen-band.
- Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip? To stay on the same side.
- Why did the chicken watch the TV? It loved Game of Hens.
- How does a chicken say “No”? It shakes its head and says “Negg!”
- Why did the chicken join the police force? It wanted to crack down on fowl play.
- What do you call a fast chicken? A speed breader.
- Why was the chicken the best employee? It never missed a day due to fowl health.
- Why did the chicken become an astronaut? It wanted to be the first to lay an egg in space.
- Why did the chicken go to the music festival? It wanted to see Chick Jagger.
- What do you call a chicken who tells tall tales? A fibbing fowl.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite part of a computer? The keyboard pecks.
- Why did the chicken go to the hardware store? It wanted to update its coop.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite type of art? A hand-pecked design.
- Why did the chicken stop in the middle of the road? It was having an egg-sistential crisis.
- Why did the chicken visit the haunted house? It wanted to meet some poultry-geists.
- What do you call a chicken ghost? A poultry-geist.
- Why was the chicken feeling stressed? It was a high-strung hen.
- What do you call a quiet chicken? A sh-hen.
- Why did the chicken meditate? It was trying to find inner pees.
- What do you call a chicken staring at lettuce? Chicken sees-a-salad.
- Why did the chicken get a job in a bakery? It kneaded the dough.
- Why did the chicken join the circus? It was a natural clown.
- What do chickens use to make a cake? Eggs, flour, and a peck of sugar.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite type of sandwich? A peck-le sandwich.
- Why did the chicken become a poet? It was fond of iambic peck-tameter.
- Why did the chicken go to the computer store? It wanted to upgrade its hard drive to a henabyte.
- Why did the chicken watch a football game? It wanted to learn some fowl plays.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite Star Wars character? Hen Solo.
- Why did the chicken go to the zoo? It wanted to visit the peck-cocks.
- Why did the chicken get detention? It was caught passing notes in cl-ass.
- Why did the chicken paint its coop pink? It was feeling plucky.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite social media site? Peck-terest.
- Why did the chicken carry a ladder? It heard the eggs were on the top shelf.
- Why did the chicken take up knitting? It wanted to make a cozy nest.
- Why did the chicken join a dating site? It was looking for some egg-citing companionship.
- Why did the chicken go to court? It was appealing a fowl law.
- What’s a chicken’s favorite TV show? The Hen-dersons.
- Why was the chicken at the seance? It wanted to talk to the spirits on the other side.
- Why did the chicken go to the concert? It was a fan of Chick Corea.
- What do you call a chicken who can play guitar? A rock-hen-roll star.
- Why did the chicken cross the road twice? It was a double crosser.
- What do you call a super intelligent chicken? An egg-head.
- Why did the chicken stop reading this list? It couldn’t take another pun!
That’s all, folks, in our pecking order of chicken jokes! We hope they’ve brought some clucking good fun to your day. Remember, a good joke is like a chicken – it’ll always come home to roost. Share these laughs and spread the fun. Stay tuned for more hilarious adventures. Until then, keep clucking and laughing!