70+ Hilarious Back-to-School Jokes to Start the School Year Right

Ease back into the school season with our handpicked collection of funny back-to-school jokes. These delightful jests are sure to lighten the mood, relieve the first-day jitters, and bring smiles to both students and parents. So, get ready to laugh your way into the new academic year with our cheerful compilation!

back to school jokes
  1. Why was the math book sad on the first day of school? It had too many problems!
  2. What do you call a school supply that doesn’t listen? A ruler who can’t measure up!
  3. Why don’t textbooks have friends? Because they’re known for spilling all the secrets.
  4. Why was the notebook always getting into trouble? Because it was full of lines!
  5. Why did the pencil go to school? It wanted to be sharp.
  6. What’s the king of all school supplies? The ruler.
  7. Why did the scissors get in trouble at school? They just couldn’t cut it.
  8. How does a geometry student say hello? “What’s your angle?”
  9. What is the only class where you can get high grades by going in circles? Gym!
  10. Why is the cafeteria the most popular place at school? Because that’s where all the pupils ‘meat’!
  11. Why did the student bring a ladder to school? He wanted to go to high school.
  12. Why don’t students use their phones in class? Because it’s not a “cell” division!
  13. Why did the pencil break on its first day back at school? It cracked under pressure!
  14. Why did the chalk stick stop talking? It didn’t want to draw attention.
  15. Why was the English book always tired? Because it had too many sentences!
  16. Why did the students study in the greenhouse? They wanted higher plant grades!
  17. Why was the computer cold at school? It left its Windows open!
  18. Why did the teacher write on the window? Because he wanted the lesson to be crystal clear!
  19. How do you get straight A’s? By using a ruler!
  20. Why was the calculator nervous? It felt under pressure to solve problems!
  21. What do you call a sleeping bull at school? A bulldozer!
  22. Why did the music note go to detention? It was caught in treble!
  23. Why did the belt go to school? It wanted to hold up its grades!
  24. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school? Because his students were so bright!
  25. Why was the paper a great gossip? It had all the newsprint!
  26. How does a math book propose? “I can’t imagine a future without ‘u’ in it!”
  27. Why did the teacher love the whiteboard? Because it was remarkable!
  28. Why did the computer take its glasses to school? To improve its web sight!
  29. Why don’t textbooks ever get lost? Because they always follow the school of thought!
  30. What do you call a math teacher who plants trees? A square rooter!
  31. Why did the kid eat his homework? Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake.
  32. Why did the school clock go to the principal’s office? It kept tocking during class!
  33. What did the pen say to the pencil? “So, what’s your point?”
  34. Why did the science book go to the nurse? It had a lab report!
  35. Why do librarians make great secret agents? They know the ‘inside story’.
  36. What do you call a student who can’t stand sitting? A class act!
  37. Why did the teacher go to the beach? To test the waters!
  38. Why did the geometry book join the track team? It heard there were a lot of angles to cover!
  39. What did the student do when he couldn’t find his ruler? He just took matters into his own hands!
  40. Why did the pencil go to therapy? It had some unresolved lead issues!
  41. How do English teachers tie their shoes? With a perfect tense knot!
  42. Why did the musician bring a ladder to school? To reach the high notes!
  43. Why do ghosts hate school? Too many ‘ghoul’ rules!
  44. Why was the computer in school? It heard the teacher call it a bright PC.
  45. Why did the student bring a tent to school? He wanted to ‘camp out’ in the library.
  46. Why do birds make terrible students? Because they tweet during lessons!
  47. Why did the teacher put on a helmet? The class was revolting!
  48. Why did the student bring a football to class? He wanted to get a kick out of the lecture.
  49. What’s a vampire’s favorite school subject? Bat-hematics!
  50. Why was the music teacher not able to open his class? Because his keys were on the piano!
  51. What did the backpack say to the pencil case? “Stop pushing my buttons!”
  52. What’s a pirate’s favorite subject? Arrrrrt!
  53. Why was the school book so excited? It was bursting with stories!
  54. Why do we never tell secrets in a cornfield? Too many ears!
  55. Why do astronauts make great students? They always aim for the stars.
  56. Why did the teacher break up with the chalk? She found someone sharper!
  57. Why was the physics book always unhappy? It had too much potential!
  58. Why was the math problem so modest? It was an inequality!
  59. What do you call a teacher who never farts in public? A private tutor!
  60. Why did the textbook visit the psychologist? It had separation anxiety from its cover.
  61. Why did the teacher put lights on her schoolbag? To keep up with her ‘bright’ students!
  62. Why was the student’s report card wet? It said his grades were below C level!
  63. Why was the cat at school? It was learning to ‘purr-suade’ the teacher for better grades.
  64. What’s a snake’s favorite subject? Hisss-story!
  65. Why did the teacher turn into a thundercloud? She was about to give a pop quiz!
  66. Why did the math book look so sad? Because of all its problems!
  67. Why was the school like a zoo? Because it was full of cheetahs!
  68. Why do students always do their multiplication on boats? So they don’t forget the sea-quence!
  69. What’s a tornado’s favorite school game? Twister!
  70. Why was the geometry book unhappy? Too many angles to cover!
  71. Why did the computer go to school? Because it wanted to better its processing skills!

We trust our roundup of back-to-school jokes helped kickstart your school year with lots of laughs! Remember, a good dose of humor can make even the most daunting tasks enjoyable. Feel free to share these jokes to lighten the atmosphere in your school or home. Keep an eye out for more such collections to keep the giggles going all year round!